GRO Wound Relief and Repair
GRO Wound Relief and Repair is a unique, organic blend of natural plant oils formulated for use on cattle wounds. The organic ingredients in GRO have been used in conventional and traditional medicine for years to provide one or more of the following organic health benefits.
- Pain Relief.
- Reduced Bleeding.
- Wound and Tissue Healing.
- Anti-Inflammatory.
- Antiseptic.
- Burn Relief.
- Aromatic Calming.
- Insect Repellent.
- Antihistamine.
- Increased Immune Response.
GRO Wound Relief and Repair is an Australian-owned and manufactured, ready-to-use formulation that can be applied to cattle as a topical spray. It should be applied immediately after completing a surgical procedure. The shorter the period between the wound being created and the product being applied, the better the level of relief experienced by the animal. When using a surgical procedure that results in significant bleeding, the sooner the product is applied, the greater the effectiveness of the reduced bleeding aspects of the product.
What wounds on cattle can GRO Wound Relief and Repair be used on;
- Dehorning and Disbudding Wounds.
- Castration Wounds.
- Branding Wounds.
- Ear Marking Wounds.
- Accidental Wound Care.
What are the potential benefits of using GRO Wound Relief and Repair on your cattle;
- Faster mothering up.
- Reduced Bleeding.
- Reduced head shake.
- Reduced sulking and losses.
- Less Flies.
- Calmer Animals.
- Faster Healing.
- Easier walking out.
GRO Wound Relief and Repair is an Allowed Input Certified to the Australian Certified Organic Standard and is compliant with the requirements of the USDA National Organic Program (NOP) (ACO Cert. No. 13515)
Why is GRO Wound Relief and Repair important to your cattle herd;
- Wound Relief: Pain relief helps with the recovery process by helping to protect the body from feeling pain. The sooner pain relief is applied to a wound, the less inflation and the less sensitive the wound becomes. In the longer term, it has been scientifically proven that being exposed to strong pain can lead to a higher level of sensitivity to pain in the future throughout life. Pain relief plays a significant part in avoiding this and also helps to return to normality sooner after a wound is caused.
- Reduced Bleeding: By reducing the bleeding, the risk of the adverse and sometimes fatal effects of blood loss can be avoided. Excessive bleeding from a wound can cause a lowering of blood pressure. This can lead to dizziness, tiredness and shortness of breath. In extreme situations, blood loss can cause death. Blood can also attract flys and other insects to the wound, increasing the risk of infection in the wound area.
- Wound & Skin Tissue Healing: By decreasing wound healing time, cattle can return to normal life more quickly. It also means that the amount of time which a wound is at risk of becoming infected is reduced
- Anti-inflammatory: Inflammation is a body’s natural response to a wound when it occurs. It makes a wound more sensitive to pain, which means more pain is experienced. By protecting a wound from inflammation, less pain is experienced overall, and cattle will return to normal life more quickly.
- Insect Repellent: Fly and other insects, if attracted to an open wound, can cause significant irritation to the animal. As a minimum, this irritation can cause unnessary stress to the animal. In addition to this, the irritation may cause the animal to scratch or rub a partially healed wound, which in turn may cause the wound to be re-opened and to be more susceptible to infection.
- Aromatic Calming: The marking and branding of livestock can be very stressful for both the animals and the people involved in the process. It is believed that the aromas which are difused from the application of the product provide aromatic calming. This calming should lead to animals being less stressed. It is also possible that the working environment is also improved for humans due to the aromatic calming effects of GRO Wound Relief and Repair.
- Antimicrobial, Antibacterial and Antifungal: By applying these anti-infection substances to the open wound at the time of the operation they can help provide protection from infection immediately. Along with the animal’s own natural immune defences, these substances can help to ensure that the wound healing process begins without the complications of infection
- Antiseptic: The substances in GRO Wound Relief and Repair help to cleanse the wound of any germs or foregn particles that may cause the wound to heal more slowly or become infected. The sooner the wound heals, the sooner the animal is able to return to normality sooner after a wound is caused.
- Skin Tissue Healing: Substances that help to promote skin healing can help to ensure that the natural barrier that has been removed through the surgical procedure is reformed and fully repaired more quickly
- Increased Immune Response: The immune system is the animal’s natural protection system against disease and infection. Some substances, when introduced to the body, can help to protect the body by providing a protective barrier, or they can boost the body’s natural ability to fight off disease-promoting free radicals. Generally, the stronger the immune system, the healthier and more productive an animal will be.
The unique blend of natural plant oils used to formulate GRO Wound Relief and Repair is the manufacturer’s intellectual property and is not available for public distribution or disclosure.
Pack Size: 1-Litre (Trigger Bottle Sprayhead)
Manufacturer: Geoethix Pty Ltd
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